George Kuchar @ LUX

Online exhibition: Going Nowhere, George Kuchar

1st – 7th April 2020

Still from Going Nowhere, George Kuchar, 1992 (10min., SD Video, Colour, Sound)

Still from Going Nowhere, George Kuchar, 1992 (10min., SD Video, Colour, Sound)

“This diary work seems to so strongly resonate with current day-to-day life. We see the artist withdrawing from the world, illustrated by his remote interaction with public events via taped introductions. Throughout there is careful attention paid to the atoms and particles one finds around the home; seemingly emitted from appliances, aging bodies, from the fur of one’s cat. The artist’s adopted functioning is checked against and played out at times by his feline companion. And, by the end I am left wondering about her expectation of better behaviour from a human being.” — Alice Lea (distribution manager, LUX)

Frozen in time and place yet celebrating birthdays left and right, I ponder the technology that sends me out into the world via magnetism: a magnetism that not only attracts images and sound but also the particles of nothing that become something when activated by a dust mop. A meditation on white spots and black holes that suck and purr when plugged in or turned on. — George Kuchar